Warm Greetings! Camp Toucan is now in development, now located in Bacalar, Mexico. When it is ready to receive guests, you will be able to kayak, snorkel, sail, kitesurf, windsurf, mountain bike, explore ancient pyramids and Mayan villages, and swim in clear natural jungle pools, all in beautiful tropical settings.
Experienced local guides will show you the way to the best places for these activities, and show you how to do these fun sports. Day trips will include a picnic lunch, served at a secluded beach or other scenic spot. When you get back to camp in the evening, there will be a “happy hour” with food, drinks, music, dancing, massage, and companionship to enjoy.
You'll be able to choose trips for different ages and ability levels. Your traveling companions can go on the same trip, or a different trip, then you'll get back together in the evening for the camp "happy hour". There will also be a Kids Program, with kid-level versions of the outdoor activities, and kid-friendly, safety-conscious guides.
At night you'll sleep in nearby lodging of your choice. Some of the nearby cabins are rustic, with a thatched roof, while others are more luxurious.
For photos and information about the activities, meals, and lodging, see the other pages.